


I’m trying to do something new-to-me every day. Sometimes they are big, sometimes small. But they challenge me, help me grow and keep life interesting. Some days I don’t, and that’s OK too.

This week…


Practiced treating everyone as if they were already my friend.


Had the mad idea to set up this blog. Of course, I’ve had mad ideas before, I’ve set up blogs before, and I’ve written personal stuff before, but I think it was a pretty big step to put those three things together.


Cycled all the way up Northborne Ave to Barton. Read on “This week’s firsts”

I finished this working week at 5ish today (which is late for a Friday) with an insanely high level of energy. Like, so high that sitting still is a bit of a challenge.

Of course, feeling this amazing made me wonder why – what was it that made me get to the end of the week feeling so amazing.

I think it was 2 things.

The first is, as it always is, people. I had a couple of days client work with lovely clients. Then on the days I was working at home I caught up with friends – breakfast Read on “On energy levels”